My experience includes dealing with many of the issues below but not limited to:
Anger ​
Bereavement and loss
Burn-out/stress-related work issues
Career issues
Professional coaching
Family relationship problems
Partner relationship problems
Self-esteem and confidence
Issues at work or in a professional environment
Trauma ​
Youth developmental problems, including
Parental Problems
Parental separation
Sibling problems
Being understood
Dealing with the world
Learning difficulties
Problems at school
And more
​​I have only touched on a few issues we can all face; there are many more that affect us throughout our lives.
Whatever issues you are facing, I will work with you and do my very best to help you find a positive way forward. If I ever believe that the issues you are facing exceed my professional capabilities or if you feel that I am not the right counsellor for you, I will happily refer you to a counsellor/psychotherapist with the relevant expertise or potential relational qualities who may be more suited to your needs.
The most important thing is that you receive the very best help you can get, and I am here to help you receive that help in your most troubled times.
I know how daunting the first steps into counselling can be, but my role is to ensure that this entire process is as simple, safe, and comfortable for you as possible.
I want you to feel at ease with the process.
I will aim to help you understand how you interact with the world, perhaps allowing you to see a way forward, helping you develop a greater sense of self-awareness, putting you back in control, and giving you the tools to cope with your current challenges in a safe, open environment.
I will ensure my therapeutic environment offers empathy, congruence, and nonjudgment. These core conditions and qualities are at the heart of the Person-Centered Approach.
I look forward to working with you and helping you find a better place in your life.